When speaking about college and university sports departments, they have specific needs that differ from the ones that a professional club might have. Coaches, analysts, and scouts need to discover the most promising athletes and encourage them to keep improving to have the possibility of a future in the professional sports world.
To do that, they need to have a detailed analysis of each game and training, and a clear image of how each player is performing. And Coach Paint is the perfect tool for this.
When a university or college chooses us, they’re ensuring a top-quality tool that can be adapted for each sports department they have: whether it’s baseball, basketball, soccer, football, lacrosse, ice hockey, or any other sport, Coach Paint is the right tool to make engaging video analyses explaining your strategies to your audience.
Besides, with Coach Paint’s broadcast-quality outputs, your clips will engage your audience more easily. It’s a great partner to boost fan engagement in stadiums and across social media.
On another note, Coach Paint makes recruitment easier and more effective: it allows you to discover the most promising players by analyzing previous matches. Then, you can amaze them with in-depth video analysis and show them your plans for their future
Get a 14-day free trial here and join the universities that are already using Coach Paint for their sports departments.